The girl who brings the bedroom to you...

The Girl
Thanks to her strong musical theater & dance background, and her advocacy for body, sex, and age positivity, Ursula has become an Atlanta staple in the burlesque scene. Known for her fearlessness of womanly sexuality, she sends her burlesque message to the world through storytelling and sensual movement.
What she's done
Ursula is an instructor at the Atlanta School of Burlesque and Metropolitan Studios and is a member of The Candybox Revue. She’s also a frequent performer at pop culture and comic conventions including Frolicon and Play On Con. She has danced on the stages of The New Orleans Burlesque Festival, the Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival in Asheville, NC, The Texas Burlesque Festival, Alabama Burlesque Fest, The Dallas Burlesque Festival, Smoky Mountain Burlesque Festival, and was a runner-up in 2010’s Viva Las Vegas 13 Burlesque Competition.